Queer Minneapolis Wedding Photographer
One of the things I appreciate the most on a wedding day is witnessing the power of the couple’s community. Kayla & Natalie’s day was a true testament to community and how love flourishes because of it. When their original ceremony site got rained out, within hours, friends opened their home and backyard to the couple, because that’s what friends do. Everyone changed their plans to trek out to the country and divert their attention to ensure this ceremony happened. Whatever it took to get these two lovely humans married, they did.
Love is love is love is love: it’s so fucking precious. Give your friend a kiss on the cheek and tell them you love them.
Fun fact: I met Kayla when we were 15 years old. One of my first shoots was photographing their screamo band. Kayla, I hope I am forgiven for the use of Papyrus font and fake crows in your photos.