
Sydney // Minneapolis Senior Photographer // Class of 2018

Minneapolis Senior Photographer


What does it mean to you?

I think it means a lot of different things to different people. For me, being fearless is all about my independence. I'm a self sufficient, independent lady, and I'm real proud of that. That doesn't mean I never need help or I don't know how to ask for help. No. It means I'm a strong-willed, never give up, get shit done, do-er.

Growing up, I never wanted anyone to form opinions solely off my gender or looks. Yeah, I had my own personal style, and I rocked it even if it wasn't the sequin covered PINK leggings errrryy gal was wearing. But I also wanted to be known for my talents, my brains, and my achievements. I was hustlin' hard from the beginning. In high school, it was AP classes galore, all-state gymnastics, NHS, volunteering, starting my own photography business, all-conference pole vaulting, and some attempt at a social life. To me, those experiences are what developed me into that fearless young lady that I am today.

For Sydney (my rockin' senior rep from the Class of 2018), it's something a little different. Yeah, she's involved in things at school like SAAD, Student Council, and dance, however, to her, being fearless is wholeheartedly being herself no matter what. Even though she's only 17, she recognizes that not everyone is going to approve of what you do. They're going to talk. They're going to gossip. They're going to laugh. However, she remains fearless by not changing herself for the sake of others. She said, "I think a part of it is knowing people are not going to agree with every single thing you do, and you might fail a few times throughout that, but being fearless is being able to pick yourself back up after those failures and letdowns." Smart gal, I think. 

I am now booking the fearless members of the Class of 2018. If you have something bold to say, and are willing to get vulnerable for me and my camera, let's chat. I want to know what you're proud of yourself for, what makes you tick, and what makes you fearless. Get at me!


Photography: D.Albrecht Photography
Video: Kyle Morgan
HMUA: Jamie Holly Artistry

Jenna // California Dunes

I'm not a spontaneous person, though, I do wish I was. I have to carefully analyze things before I can make a decision, and even then, I still suck at making decisions. Maybe carefully analyze is a strong choice of words, but I do like to think of possible outcomes of my decision. I'm a freak, I know. Love me anyways. 

When Ben Sasso announced his new workshop called Heck Yeah Photo Camp along with the lineup of kick ass photographer speakers, I immediately pooped my pants in excitement. Dylan and Sara. Lara Jade. Jonas Peterson. And my all time favorite, Gabe McClintock. Those are all poop your pants worthy names and some of the big names in the industry that I look up to for inspiration. In this situation, I could have mulled over whether or not I should travel thousands of miles to photo camp in which I know no one and whether or not I'd be "good enough" for it or whatever other crap I thought about for .000002 seconds. Instantly, I knew I should go. "Another graduation present for myself," I thought (I tend to forget I spent $700 on a tattoo and another $400 on a plane ticket to NYC to get said tattoo). 

My girl Jenna Mahr decided to come along 'cause she too couldn't resist the goodness that is Lara Jade, and what a surprise, she instantly becomes the muse of every single damn person at camp. Look at her. She's like real life Khaleesi.

We befriended this rad dude named Kyle and he organized this killer desert queen shoot at the dunes after camp. His rendition of the dune shoot can be found here. Yours truly even makes an appearance or two. Can I call myself the real life Asian Khaleesi? 

I would normally much rather be behind the camera, so in between shots, I took these.

Nico // Class of 2016

I reached out to my good friend, Lailah, and asked her if she knew any upcoming seniors with killer style. She gave me a few names and I reached out to a few, including Nico. 

Nico and I met on a exceptionally warm and sunny Tuesday afternoon. He told me that his mom said our moms used to work together! Quickly, I attempted to remember the ladies my mom worked with way back in the day, and then it clicked. "WHAT!?! You're little Nico with the curly hair!?" I exclaimed. Turns out, Nico and I used to be daycare buddies while our moms worked, but all I really remember is his mom feeding him Kraft Mac and Cheese (yumzzz) with sliced up hot dogs. 15 years later, he's going to be a senior in high school and I'm taking his photos. It's crazy how small the world is.

Nico is going to be a senior next year! Oh, how time flies! I will be taking applications for the Class of 2016 very very soon (as soon as I find out about summer internships) so email me if you're interested in me shooting your seniors